Nationally Recognized Specialists For Auto & Home Insurance


Don’t Get Fooled By The Latest Shiny Object For “Less Than” Protection On Your Lawyer’s Professional Liability Insurance!

For FREE Nationally Recognized Lawyer Professional Liability Insurance Expert Michael Carroll will show you what REALLY WORKS in a power packed MUST SEE Video!

The Mission is to Eliminate Fatal Insurance Gaps That 97% of All Law Firms Have on Their Property, Lawyers Professional Liability, Workers Comp, and Umbrella Insurance.

Guaranteed to Identify 3 Surefire Ways to See if you Are Properly Protected with Best Pricing

About Michael Carroll

Michael has spent the last twenty-seven years helping to protect Law Firms. He is nationally recognized as one of the leading specialists for Property, Lawyers Professional Liability, Workers Comp, and Umbrella Insurance.

I’m not in business to make certain every law firm is not “insurance poor” through excessive coverage. But I do have a mission to assure that each one is properly protected.

My Moral Decision

Lawyers are busy people. They almost always have a demanding schedule and a practice to run. They don’t have time to micro-manage their insurance broker. They are looking for fewer headaches in their life, not more.

It was also clear to me that lawyers and law firms are different, in that I couldn’t insure them as I would insure an apartment building. Lawyers and law firms encounter problems and situations that are totally unique to that industry. It was also clear to me that there were situations that could very quickly put a lawyer or his/her firm completely out of business if not insured correctly. It was because of these potential threats to my clients that I invested the time and effort to become schooled by this loss control / underwriter mentor on every way a lawyer and law firms should be insured. I committed myself at that point to give my future clients the very best that I could offer.